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Ancestors be knowin’

Aug 4, 2019

First off, I’m so fucking excited. Welcome to Aud’s Rebirth!

Listen, the layered and intense journey of self-discovery that brought me to this rebirth was hard. I received, unexpected, yet amazing news: I was pregnant. It had it’s ups and downs emotionally, but it was beautiful…until it wasn’t (more on that in a later post). It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, and I’m still learning and healing from it.

Pain changes you, and I had a choice: step into freedom or stay in bondage. Freedom was my only option, and I’ll die before I go back.

I am 100% not the woman I used to be, and I love everything about the goddess I’m becoming. Doper than my own wildest dreams, I can only hope and pray my ancestors, specifically my grandmother Laurina, are hype as fuck right now.

I honor her today, on her birthday, with this Aud Culture Rebirth. Before she passed, she told my mother, “Jenell’s coffee will never go bitter.” Now, my mom has said that to me too many times to count, and I always thought it was cool, but didn’t really…couldn’t really comprehend the power of those words until now. Ancestors be knowin’!

Through it all, I’m still dripping honey.
Through it all, I choose unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness over fear, and I mean, I really choose them.

Running the gauntlet has allowed me to stand in that power unapologetically, and everything hits different now. Everything hits in perfect alignment with the life I am designing, even the orgasms are better, and I am eternally grateful.

Welcome to the Rebirth, sign-up for the newsletter so you don’t miss a thing!

Which old sayings or idioms, deep or funny, have stuck with you from your elders? Meet me in the comments.

you are loved, valued and appreciated,

  1. Joi says:

    So happy for you Maji! Words can’t express the hypness— which I know is ironic to say in the comments section, lol.

    When I was little my mom often said “live for today and tomorrow will come.” And also “What’s done in the dark comes out in the light.”

    • Showit User says:

      Thank you so much, Maji! I love, value and appreciate you. Listen, that “Done in the Dark comes to the Light” is a staple lmao, but also 100% true over and over!

  2. AMori says:

    Birds of a feather, ASCEND together!! – Fleek at the Creek!
    LETS GOOOO!!!!

the writer's room:

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